
Inrush current limiter for active AC-DC bridge rectifier

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该产品基于由一个Z0110MN SMD可控硅和两个STTH110A二极管组成的离散控制电路,可为电源SCR提供紧凑的非绝缘型高压驱动器。驱动电路将SCR栅极信号与交流线路极性同步,并直接从电源为SCR栅极供电。该操作不会在SCR中产生反向损耗。





它适用于RMS电流最高可达4.3 A(在60°C的环境温度下)的应用。

  • 所有功能

    • 两个TN1605H-6T 16 A - 600 V Hi Tj SCR采用TO-220封装,用于旁路浪涌电阻
    • 紧凑型解决方案:43.6 x 28.5 mm(≈ 1.8平方英寸)
    • 在所有模式下兼容AC-DC转换器(带/不带PFC):CCM、CRM和DCM
    • 使能信号(EN = 3.3 V - 15 V)对比GND_DC(DC或PWM信号)
    • 适用于50 W至1000 W的应用(230 VRMS,TAMB = 60°C)
    • 符合AC或DC输入电压要求:90-265 VAC,50/60 Hz,或120-400 VDC
    • 耐用,抗干扰能力强(2 kV IEC 61000-4-5,4 kV IEC 61000-4-4)
    • 低EMI噪音(EN55014和EN55022)解决方案

The current status of a product:
Active: Product is in volume production
Evaluation: Product is under characterization. Limited Engineering samples available
Preview: Product is in design stage
Target: Product is in design feasibility stage.No commitment taken to produce
Proposal: Marketing proposal for customer feedback.No commitment taken to design or produce
NRND: Not Recommended for New Design.Product is in volume production only to support customers ongoing production.
Marketing description of the package type.Compliancy of the device with industry requirement domains (IRD)The RoHS status of a product:
ECOPACK 1: Initial grade to identify European RoHS compliant products.
ECOPACK 2: New grade to identify brominated chlorinated and antimony oxide flame retardant free products.
ECOPACK 3: Halogen free RoHS exemptions free products.
(*): ECOPACK 2 version available upon request.
(**): Some versions still existing in ECOPACK 1 or not compliant.
Compliancy with WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU)The current status of a product:
Active: Product is in volume production
Evaluation: Product is under characterization. Limited Engineering samples available
Preview: Product is in design stage
Target: Product is in design feasibility stage.No commitment taken to produce
Proposal: Marketing proposal for customer feedback.No commitment taken to design or produce
NRND: Not Recommended for New Design.Product is in volume production only to support customers ongoing production.
Budgetary PriceMain country of assembly or fabrication of the product.ECCNs are five character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List to identify dual-use items for export control purposes. ECCNs are five character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List to identify dual-use items for export control purposes.