The STM8L101x1 STM8L101x2 STM8L101x3 low-power family features the enhanced STM8 CPU core providing increased processing power (up to 16 MIPS at 16 MHz) while maintaining the advantages of a CISC architecture with improved code density, a 24-bit linear addressing space and an optimized architecture for low power operations.
The family includes an integrated debug module with a hardware interface (SWIM) which allows non-intrusive in-application debugging and ultrafast Flash programming.
All STM8L101xx microcontrollers feature low power low-voltage single-supply program Flash memory. The 8-Kbyte devices embed data EEPROM.
The STM8L101xx low power family is based on a generic set of state-of-the-art peripherals. The modular design of the peripheral set allows the same peripherals to be found in different ST microcontroller families including 32-bit families. This makes any transition to a different family very easy, and simplified even more by the use of a common set of development tools.
All STM8L low power products are based on the same architecture with the same memory mapping and a coherent pinout.
- Main microcontroller features
- Supply voltage range 1.65 V to 3.6 V
- Low power consumption (Halt: 0.3 µA, Active-halt: 0.8 µA, Dynamic Run: 150 µA/MHz)
- STM8 Core with up to 16 CISC MIPS throughput
- Temp. range: -40 to 85 °C and 125 °C
- メモリ
- Up to 8 Kbytes of Flash program including up to 2 Kbytes of data EEPROM
- Error correction code (ECC)
- Flexible write and read protection modes
- In-application and in-circuit programming
- Data EEPROM capability
- 1.5 Kbytes of static RAM
- Clock management
- Internal 16 MHz RC with fast wakeup time (typ. 4 µs)
- Internal low consumption 38 kHz RC driving both the IWDG and the AWU
- Reset and supply management
- Ultra-low power POR/PDR
- Three low-power modes: Wait, Active-halt, Halt
- Interrupt management
- Nested interrupt controller with software priority control
- Up to 29 external interrupt sources
- I/Os
- Up to 30 I/Os, all mappable on external interrupt vectors
- I/Os with programmable input pull-ups, high sink/source capability and one LED driver infrared output
- Peripherals
- Two 16-bit general purpose timers (TIM2 and TIM3) with up and down counter and 2 channels (used as IC, OC, PWM)
- One 8-bit timer (TIM4) with 7-bit prescaler
- Infrared remote control (IR)
- Independent watchdog
- Auto-wakeup unit
- Beeper timer with 1, 2 or 4 kHz frequencies
- SPI synchronous serial interface
- Fast I2C Multimaster/slave 400 kHz
- USART with fractional baud rate generator
- 2 comparators with 4 inputs each
- Development support
- Hardware single wire interface module (SWIM) for fast on-chip programming and non intrusive debugging
- In-circuit emulation (ICE)
- 96-bit unique ID
- Main microcontroller features

EDAシンボル / フットプリント / 3Dモデル
品質 & 信頼性
製品型番 | マーケティング・ステータス | パッケージ | グレード | RoHSコンプライアンスグレード | 材料宣誓書** |
STM8L101F1U6ATR | 量産中 | UFQFPN 20 3x3x0.6 mm | インダストリアル | Ecopack2 | |
UFQFPN 20 3x3x0.6 mmMaterial Declaration**:
(**) st.comで提供している材料宣誓書は、パッケージ・ファミリ内で最も一般的に使用されているパッケージに基づく汎用ドキュメントの場合があります。そのため、特定の製品では100%正確ではない可能性があります。特定の製品情報については、セールスサポートまでお問い合わせください
サンプル & 購入
製品型番 | 製品ステータス | Budgetary Price (US$)*/Qty | STから購入 | Order from distributors | パッケージ | 梱包タイプ | RoHS | Country of Origin | ECCN (US) | ECCN (EU) | Operating temperature (°C) | Operating Temperature (°C) (max) | ||
最小 | 最大 | |||||||||||||
STM8L101F1U6ATR | | | distributors 販売代理店に在庫がない場合は、STのセールス・オフィスまでお問い合わせください |
STM8L101F1U6ATR 量産中