マイクロコントローラ & マイクロプロセッサ

STM8 8bitマイクロコントローラ

STの8bitマイクロコントローラ ・プラットフォームは、高性能8bitコアや最先端のペリフェラルなどを実装しており、ST独自の130nm組込み不揮発性メモリ・テクノロジーを用いて製造されています。

  • STM8S: メインストリーム・マイクロコントローラ
  • STM8L: 超低消費電力マイクロコントローラ
  • STM8AF / STM8AL: 車載用マイクロコントローラ
Your next 8-bit MCU is a 32-bit!

STM8 MCUs now available in 8-pin package!

The STM8 Series expands our product portfolio in smaller pin count packages, introducing two part numbers in a SO8 package.

  • STM8S001 offers an outstanding set of features with top-notch core processing speed, system control, memory size, communication peripherals, and analog functions.
  • STM8L001 targets low-voltage and power-efficient designs, providing minimalist yet essential feature set.
  • STM8L050 delivers economy and performance for resource-constrained products.
  • STM8-SO8-DISCO lets users evaluate all three STM8 variants currently available in the popular 8-pin SO8 package.

Configure easily your STM8 MCU using our free configuration tool with user-friendly GUI, the STM8CubeMX. Including several intuitive wizards to help significantly reduce development effort, time and cost. STM8CubeMX is available for Windows®, Linux®and macOS® operating systems.