


  • 清晰纯净的音频
  • 广泛的产品组合,从单通道器件到强大的四通道单芯片器件
  • 具有短路、ESD、负载突降和过热保护功能的稳健设计
  • 驱动超低阻抗扬声器(低至1欧姆)的能力
  • 符合新启停发动机和混合动力发动机标准要求的产品
  • 可选I²C接口和诊断功能
  • 可选数字输入
  • 可选Class-AB/高效Class-AB
Class AB automotive audio amplifiers

ST's complete family of “intelligent” analog automotive power amplifiers

ST offers a complete range of intelligent analog power amplifiers for automotive audio systems.

What makes these power amplifiers "intelligent" is their reliable diagnostics array that detects the status of each speaker and can identify any failure or speaker disconnection. Two- or four-channel versions with different power levels and features, like the automatic offset control, are available. The new generation has very high efficiency (class SB, class SB-I), consuming less than a standard class AB, a valid alternative to class D power amplifiers. Furthermore, ST is the only company offering an automotive analog power amplifier with a digital input. All our amplifiers are compatible with hybrid and start-stop engines, working with a battery of just 6V.

STPA008 enriches your listening experience

Offers extreme robustness against misconnections

The STPA008 is the latest automotive-grade class AB analog input power amplifier of the STPA family designed to enrich the car audio listening experience. It embeds 4 audio channels able to deliver a maximum power of 50 W each, it can drive loads as low as 2 W and operate from 6 to 18 V without popping or interruption. This makes the product compatible with start-stop and hybrid vehicles. An exciting sound quality level is guaranteed by its particular architecture built using ST's exclusive BCD6sA smart power technology, specifically designed for audio performance. The STPA008 helps ensure excellent immunity against interference coming from mobile devices (the so-called “GSM effect”), saving input filtering components (capacitors, inductors). Radio manufacturers can further save components and space on the board since all features are integrated and the STPA008 offers extreme robustness against misconnections.

The product is available in both Flexiwatt25 and Flexiwatt27 packages.