


  • 高效率
  • 稳定的汽车级设计,整合短路、静电放电(ESD)、负载突降和过热等超限保护功能。
  • 超先进的诊断处理器
  • 专有反馈环架构,满足低系统成本及电磁辐射的要求
  • 全数字处理
  • 驱动超低阻抗扬声器(低至1欧姆)的能力
  • 符合起/止和混合引擎标准要求

New single-channel Class-D amplifiers with unique diagnostic matrix ensures high-end audio performance

Featuring advanced diagnostics, high efficiency and a unique load current monitor feature  to ensure high system reliability, FDA803D and FDA903D are the latest amplifiers in our FDA80x family of automotive Class-D audio power amplifiers.
Thanks to an innovative architecture that includes a low-pass output filter in the feedback loop, these devices offer high-quality sound at a reduced system cost. Moreover, supporting a very wide supply voltage range (from 3.3 to 18 V) they are the best fit for any automotive audio application including standard car audio systems to today's e-call and acoustic vehicle alerting systems (AVAS).