借助适用于低压或高压(高达1500 V)应用的单桥、半桥和多通道驱动器等产品,意法半导体还提供了电流隔离栅极驱动器IC,满足安全和功能需求,系统级封装(SiP)解决方案集成了高边和低边栅极驱动器和基于MOSFET的功率级,符合更高集成度、更低开发成本的工业市场趋势。
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The STGAP3S gate driver for SIC MOSFETs and IGBT devices combines ST’s latest galvanic isolation technology with optimized desaturation protection and flexible Miller-clamp architecture.
Advanced galvanic isolated gate drivers for SIC MOSFETs and IGBTs

The STGAP3S series, featuring fast desaturation protection and a flexible Miller-clamp function, targets industrial and energy applications.
With high CMTI, this gate driver meets the latest requirements in terms of current capability and protection functions.
The STGAP3S series includes different options with 10 A and 6 A current capabilities, each available with dedicated UVLO variants for SiC MOSFETs and IGBTs.