
意法半导体的SPST/SPDT模拟开关具有带宽高和电压低的特点,因此成为移动应用的理想之选。 我们的模拟开关解决方案采用小尺寸表面贴装封装,因此适于空间敏感型产品。

NEATSwitch™模拟开关(视频)产品可为下一代视频系统(例如LCD电视、PDP、FPD、背投电视、HDTV、PC、DVD录像机和机顶盒)提供开关解决方案。 这些模拟开关带宽高、导通电阻低、插入损耗低,从而成为复合(NTSC、PAL)和分量(YPbPr、RGB)高清晰度视频应用的理想选择。 该产品系列包含具有I2C控制功能的开关,支持标准清晰度(SD)和高清晰度(HD)输入/输出。

Low RDS(on) analog switch single or dual

The ideal choice for wearable devices.

Switches are commonly used to multiplex or de-multiplex a great variety of signals. For instance, in portable applications, switches are used to route signals such as audio to speaker or to headphones. Nowadays, with the sensors and interface proliferation in new applications such as wearable, switches also become the ideal solution to route signals from / towards each other’s, and thus guaranteeing a simple efficient system implementation.

Low RDS(on) analog switches such as AS11P2TLR and AS21P2TLR are especially suited to low current / low voltage signals. Designed in silicon gate C2MOS technology to operate from 1.65 to 4.3 V, it offers very low ON resistance at VCC= 3.6 V (ex AS21P2TLR: RON< 0.5 Ω). They can easily sustain high bandwidth (450Mbps or more for AS21P2THBQ), and implement break-before-make delay time and ultra low power consumption. All inputs and outputs are equipped with protection circuits against static discharge, giving them ESD and excess transient voltage immunity.