The L6924U is a fully monolithic battery charger that safely charges single-cell Li-Ion/Polymer battery from either a USB power source or an AC adapter. In USB mode, the L6924U supports both low-power and high-power mode. Alternatively the device can charge from an AC wall adapter. The ideal solution for space-limited portable products integrates the power MOSFET, reverse blocking diode, sense resistor and thermal protection into a compact VFQFPN16 package. When an external voltage regulated adapter or USB port is used, the L6924U works in linear mode, and charges the battery in a constant current constant voltage (CC/CV) profile. Moreover, when a current-limited adapter is used, the device can operate in quasi-pulse mode, dramatically reducing the power dissipation. Regardless of the charging approach, a closed-loop thermal control avoids device overheating. The device has an operating input voltage ranging from 2.5 V to 12 V and it allows the user to program many parameters, such as fast-charge current, end-of-charge current threshold, and charge timer. The L6924U offers two open collector outputs for diagnostic purposes, which can be used to either drive two external LEDs or communicate with a host microcontroller. Finally, the L6924U also provides other features like gas gauge function, checks for battery presence, and monitors and protects the battery from unsafe thermal conditions.
- Fully integrated solution, with power MOSFET, reverse blocking diode, sense resistor, and thermal protection
- Charges single-cell Li-Ion batteries from selectable AC adapter or USB input
- Programmable charge current up to 1 A in AC adapter mode
- Programmable charging current in USB mode for both high-power and low-power inputs
- 4.2 V output voltage with ± 1 % accuracy
- Linear or quasi-pulse operating mode
- Closed-loop thermal control
- Programmable end-of-charge current
- Programmable charge timer
- (NTC) or (PTC) thermistor interface for battery temperature monitoring and protection
- Status outputs to drive LEDs or to interface with a host processor
- Small VFQFPN 16-lead package (3 x 3 mm)
EDAシンボル / フットプリント / 3Dモデル
品質 & 信頼性
製品型番 | マーケティング・ステータス | パッケージ | グレード | RoHSコンプライアンスグレード | 材料宣誓書** |
L6924UTR | 量産中 | VFQFPN 16 3x3x1.0 | インダストリアル | Ecopack2 | |
VFQFPN 16 3x3x1.0Material Declaration**:
(**) st.comで提供している材料宣誓書は、パッケージ・ファミリ内で最も一般的に使用されているパッケージに基づく汎用ドキュメントの場合があります。そのため、特定の製品では100%正確ではない可能性があります。特定の製品情報については、セールスサポートまでお問い合わせください
サンプル & 購入
製品型番 | 製品ステータス | Budgetary Price (US$)*/Qty | STから購入 | Order from distributors | パッケージ | 梱包タイプ | RoHS | Country of Origin | ECCN (US) | ECCN (EU) | Operating temperature (°C) | Operating Temperature (°C) (max) | ||
最小 | 最大 | |||||||||||||
L6924UTR | | | distributors 販売代理店に在庫がない場合は、STのセールス・オフィスまでお問い合わせください |
L6924UTR 量産中