The ultra-low-power STM32L0 series now hosts an entry level line, the STM32L010.
The STM32L0x0 Value line is the entry point of the STM32L0 series of microcontrollers (MCUs).
It provides all essentials features for low power applications such as real-time clock, autonomous peripherals, low-power UART, low-power time clock, and ultra-low-power 12-bit ADC with 41 µA budget consumption at 10 ksps.
The STM32L0x0 offers up to 128 Kbytes of Flash memory, up to 20 Kbytes of RAM and up to 512 bytes of embedded EEPROM.
It is a perfect match for battery-powered applications requiring simple, affordable and ultra-low-power MCUs including personal medical devices, industrial sensors, and IoT devices such as building controls, weather stations, smart locks, smoke detectors, or fire alarms.
Developers can quickly get started with their designs and prototypes thanks to our STM32L010 Nucleo-64 development board (NUCLEO-L010RB), comprehensive STM32Cube software tool ecosystem and STM32CubeL0 embedded software package.