Microcontrollers & microprocessors


 Industrial robots at the automated manufacturing factory assembly line

STM32MP233 application processors (STM32 MPUs) are based on dual Arm Cortex®-A35 cores running at up to 1.5 GHz and Cortex®-M33 cores running at 400 MHz.

They offer 2 Ethernet ports, 2 FDCAN interfaces and security features

To help you get started with STM32MP23x product lines evaluation, you can rely on the STM32MP257F-DK Discovery kit and applicable piece of OpenSTLinux distribution to run with STM32MP23 characteristics (peripherals, features, and performances).


The STM32MP2 series offers general-purpose microprocessors (MPUs) suitable for a wide range of applications across multiple market segments, particularly targeting industrial use.

Electric charger
EV charges
Industrial arm
Industrial and factory automation
Smart homes
Digital smart metering

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Effortlessly tune your image signal processor and enhance CMOS image quality with STM32 ISP IQTune.