
高PSRR(電源電圧変動除去比)と低ノイズにより、信号パス全体の幅広い入力電圧 / 出力電流にわたり、信頼性の高い信号を実現します。
ST LDOレギュレータは以下の特徴を備えています。
- 低ドロップアウト電圧
- 低静止電流(低IQ)
- 高速過渡応答
- 低ノイズ
- 高いリップル除去比

LDQ40: power management solution for Automotive applications
AEC-Q100 grade 1 qualified and available in DFN 2x2 6L package, the LDQ40 is the right choice for engineers and designers looking to optimize their power management systems in applications such as infotainment, EV powertrain, instrument clusters, and ADAS.
The output current of 250 mA, power-good for fixed versions, and logic-controlled electronic shutdown, allow the LDQ40 to offer precise control and reliable operation.
It also features internal current limit, short-circuit protection, thermal shutdown, and output active discharge function for added safety and protection.
A low ground current of just 2 μA at no load, makes the LDQ40 also ideal for use in always-on battery-connected applications, ensuring maximum efficiency and minimal power consumption.
A flexible power management solution to design your project quickly and efficiently
The STEVAL-QUADV01 evaluation board is a versatile tool based on different step-down regulators: the L6981, L7983, ST1PS03, and the ST730 LDO. These regulators offer a range of features and capabilities that make the board suitable for a wide range of applications.
The board offers four distinct approaches for generating a 5 V output voltage, which can be conveniently adjusted to alternative values by modifying the resistors in the feedback networks' resistive dividers.
To simulate and configure the L6981, L7983, and ST1PS03 step-down converters, you can use the eDesignSuite and eDSim software tools. It enables you to optimize the performance of the regulators meeting the specific needs of your application, before verifying the results on the evaluation board.