

意法半导体提供了大量基于VIPower(垂直智能电源)技术的车规级智能3和5引脚低侧开关 (OMNIFET)。这项专有技术允许在同一芯片上集成全部数字和模拟控制与保护电路,以驱动垂直结构功率MOSFET。

具有集成特性的低侧开关是一种能够安全处理大电流的电源开关,可用于严苛的汽车环境。它们只需要1个简单的TTL逻辑输入(或者面向5引脚开关的CMOS逻辑输入)。此类器件与功率MOSFET引脚兼容,能够确保实时负载控制,具有过热保护功能,因此可以保护整个电路板。最新的5引脚器件还具有诊断特性。   低侧开关的工作温度范围为-40 ℃至+150 ℃。 

意法半导体的低侧开关和驱动器产品组合包括单驱动和双驱动产品,具有数字状态,RDS(ON) 值从10 mΩ到300 mΩ不等。这些多功能器件可用于车身电子产品的电源系统,提供多种封装选项。

OMNIFET III fully protected Low Side Drivers

Ruggedness and improved reliability are major criteria when choosing a solid state power switch for inductive or resistive loads, especially in the automotive environment. With the OMNIFET III series, manufactured with ST’s proprietary VIPower M0-5 technology, new limits are attained with the power limitation overload protection scheme that limits the current below the higher threshold (IlimH ) during inrush, while reducing the threshold to a lower value (IlimL) during thermal cycling, so limiting thermal stresses and increasing the global lifetime of the device.  Furthermore, with their open load and short circuits to Vcc detection, active even with device in off-state, OMNIFET III low side drivers are the safest way to drive and protect a lamp or any other load in a car.

Discover the complete OMNIFET III offer here