我们的sub-1 GHz解决方案产品组合包括发射器、收发器、模块和片上系统,可支持家庭和建筑自动化(智能家居和智慧城市)中多种不同应用,以及工业过程控制(智能工厂)和自动计量基础设施(智能电网)甚或更广泛的物联网 (IoT) 应用。
它们可支持网络在免许可的ISM和SRD频带(169、315、433、512、868和915 MHz)中,以及多种不同的调制方案(如LoRa、2(G)FSK、(G)MSK、4(G)FSK、BPSK、OOK和ASK)下运行。
意法半导体Spirit、发射器和收发器产品系列还支持多种先进技术,例如跳频 (frequency hopping)、自动应答 (auto-acknowledgment) 和天线分集 (antenna diversity),确保在恶劣环境或充满挑战的物流条件中准确无误地传送数据。
我们的Sub-1 GHz模块(在IMS和SMD频带运行)基于我们的射频收发器,且配有天线、晶振 (xtal) 和巴伦。它们提供了现成的解决方案,完全通过RF、ETSI、IC和FCC认证,有助于将批量生产时间降至最短。
我们的Sub-1 GHz SoC是全球首款在同一硅片上结合STM32架构基础和LoRa射频模块的SoC。除了提供易用性、经济性和可靠性优势,它们还有助于优化BOM成本,并可面向各种工业和消费类应用量身定制。

精选 视频
ST Spirit family - high performance ultra-low power Sub-1GHz RF transceivers /transmitters
ST’s Sub-1GHz S2-LP transceiver (transmitter and receiver) and S2-LPTX transmitter offer an RF Link Budget above 145 dB for long communication ranges and a configurable RF output power up to +16 dBm.
Their extremely low peak current consumption, ultra-low power mode, and the ability to quickly switch between power-saving and active modes, render the S2-LP and S2-LPTX excellent solutions for battery-operated applications, allowing extended battery lifetimes even over 10 years, with consequent reduction in maintenance costs.
For rapid application development, ST offers STEVAL-FKI868V2 and STEVAL-FKI915V1 evaluation kits tuned for 860-940 MHz frequency bands, with external power amplifier on the STEVAL-FKI915V1 ensuring as much as +27 dBm output power for maximum application range.