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Valves control

A valve regulates the flow of a media –  gases, liquids, granulates or fluidized solids – by opening, closing, or partially obstructing the passageway. Two types of valves are commonly used: shut-off valves allowing only either an open and closed state, and continuously adjustable valves which include proportional and throttle valves.  Size, energy-efficiency and reliability are key factors that must be taken into consideration by developers designing electronic valve control solutions. Read more
valves control block diagram

Our products and solutions

We have a range of discrete power switches including MOSFETs, IGBTs and Triacs, intelligent power modules (IPM), monolithic intelligent power switches (IPS) and motor drivers as well as a large selection of 32-bit STM32 microcontrollers and humidity and temperature sensors as well as connectivity solutions for high-efficiency valve designs.