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Programmable 12-channel RGB-LED Driver with high current accuracy
With patented features to prevent distracting artefacts in “color-chasing” or “deep breathing” LED animation effects, LED1202 enables smoother and more natural interactions with smart-home devices, wearable electronics, and small appliances.
The output current can be adjusted separately for each channel by 8-bit analog dimming control up to 20 mA per channel and 12-bit internal PWM dimming control. With 12 output channels, a single LED1202 can drive four RGB LEDs running up to eight programmable patterns and stored sequences. An innovative synchronization feature allows connecting up to eight LED1202 drivers to control larger LED arrays.
The STEVAL-LLL007V1 evaluation kit is available to support evaluation of the LED1202 and aids development of new products and lighting sequences.
All-in-one high-voltage LED-lighting control chip for efficient dimming, enhanced accuracy and fast start-up
The HVLED001B contains high-voltage startup and sensing circuitry that simplifies connection to the AC line. Its advanced features support multi-platform reuse and compliance with the latest lighting regulations, and include:
- Very accurate line and load regulation over wide range to ensure constant output voltage or output current
- Constant output voltage regulation, with no need of optocoupler, ensures voltage remains below recognized 60V safe limit, improving the application robustness
- Frequency foldback for improved efficiency and regulation at light load with good efficiency at medium load
- Accurate and smooth dimming
- Power-conversion efficiency greater than 90%
- No-load power consumption less than 100mW
- Power factor greater than 0.9, Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) below 10%
- Low EMI at light load and medium load
- Built-in over-current, input over-voltage, brownout, and optocoupler failure protection
- ST’s smart Auto-Reload Timer (ART) ensures latch-free protection for enhanced safety
New LED driver with direct switch control
ALED8102S是一款低压LED驱动器,有8个低侧通道。它保证最高20 V的输出驱动能力,允许用户串联多个LED。在输出级,8个稳压电流源可提供5至100 mA恒流,从而驱动LED。该器件采用高能效的HTSSOP封装,还具有热保护功能,在过电流情况下强制关闭器件。
此外还有基于ALED8102SXTTR LED驱动器的STEVAL-ILL090V1评估板,该板支持实现两种汽车场景:
- 环境照明场景,基于三个RGB LED,其亮度和色彩可配置;
- 摩托车尾灯,两个橘黄色的LED条形灯(代表箭头灯)并排放置,再由一个红色的LED环形灯(模拟示廓灯/停车灯)加以分隔。
eDesignSuite is a comprehensive set of easy-to-use design-aid utilities ready to help you streamline the system development process with a wide range of ST products.
Power Management Design Center
Thermal-electrical Simulators for Components
Signal Conditioning Design Tool
NFC/RFID Calculators
Power Supply Design Tool
LED Lighting Design Tool
Digital Power Workbench
Power Tree Designer
AC Switches Simulator
Rectifier Diodes Simulator
Twister Sim
TVS Simulator