

意法半导体提供了大量中/低功耗LDO稳压器,其具有压降超低和瞬态响应快的特点。超低压降系列LDO稳压器简化了高效、低成本线性电源管理(连续负载电流范围为50 mA至3 A)设计,是DSP、MCU和FPGA的理想之选。

New LDO with extended input voltage range features ultra-low dropout and low consumption

The LDO40L is a 400 mA low dropout linear regulator designed for use in harsh automotive and industrial environments. A low operating quiescent current of 45uA makes the device suitable for always-on automotive applications such as in body and interior functions active during car parking.

Able to start up with an input voltage of just 3.5V and operates with up to 38V, the LDO40L ensures correct regulation in applications with wide variations of the power rail (i.e. cold-crank in automotive, unregulated DC rails in industrial applications). Featuring a high PSRR of 70 dB @ 1 kHz and low intrinsic noise performance of 20 µVRMS/VOUT, this ultra-low-dropout regulator is available in a 3 x 3 mm DFN6 package with wettable flanks and is automotive-grade qualified according to AEC-Q100 Level 1.

New high-precision, ultra-low-dropout linear regulator with low input voltage

The LD56020 is a high-accuracy voltage regulator, which can deliver 200 mA of current.

Available in a tiny CSP 0.65 x 0.65 mm² package, a small ceramic capacitor on input and output ensures that the device remains stable.

The ultra-low drop, 1.1V low input voltage, and low-quiescent current make the LD56020 suitable for low-power, battery-operated applications.


新型 LDK120LDK130超低压差稳压器的最大电流分别为200 mA和300 mA。输入电源电压范围为1.9V ~ 5.5V,压差为100 mV,关闭时的静态电流低至1µA。这些器件与1 µF陶瓷输出电容兼容,封装尺寸小至1.2 x 1.3 mm,能够优化应用的空间成本与功耗。