- TS9511 Precision rail-to-rail input/output 3 MHz single operational amplifier
- TSZ182 Very high accuracy (25 µV) high bandwidth (3 MHz) zero drift 5 V operational amplifiers
- TSB712A Precision, 6 MHz, RR IO, 36 V BiCMOS operational amplifier
- TSV781 High bandwidth (30 MHz) low offset (200 µV) rail-to-rail 5 V op amp
- TSL6902 Very high accuracy (12 µV) zero drift micropower 5 V cost-effective operational amplifiers
- TSB712 Precision, 6 MHz, RR IO, 36 V BiCMOS operational amplifier
- TSV631 Rail-to-rail input/output 5V CMOS Op-Amp, micro-power (60uA), GBP=880kHz, single
- TS922A Rail-to-rail, high output current, dual operational amplifier
- TS912A Low power with CMOS inputs
- TSB611 Low power, rail-to-rail output, 36V operational amplifier
- TSB572 Low-power, 2.5 MHz, RR IO, 36 V BiCMOS operational amplifier
- TSL6904 Very high accuracy (12 µV) zero drift micropower 5 V cost-effective operational amplifiers
- TSV991 Wide-bandwidth (20MHz) rail to rail input/output 5V CMOS Op-Amp, single
- TSU111H High temperature (150°C) & long mission profile automotive grade, high accuracy (250 µV) 5 V CMOS operational amplifier
- TSX9291 Large bandwidth (16MHz), rail-to-rail 16V CMOS Op-Amp, single
- LM2902W Low power quad operational amplifier
- TSV772 広帯域(20MHz)、低オフセット(200µV)、レール・ツー・レールの5Vオペアンプ
- TSV994A Wide bandwidth (20MHz), rail to rail input/output 5V CMOS Op-Amps, small offset, quad
- TSV7721 High bandwidth (22MHz) Low offset (200 µV) low-rail 5V op amp
- TSZ181 Very high accuracy (25 µV) high bandwidth (3 MHz) zero drift 5 V operational amplifiers
- TSL6204 High bandwidth 8 MHz, rail-to-rail, 5 V cost-effective Op Amp
- TSX564A Micropower (235uA), 16V CMOS Op-Amps, quad, low offset voltage version
- TSL6201 High bandwidth 8 MHz, rail-to-rail, 5 V cost-effective Op Amp
- TSX564 Micropower (235uA), 16V CMOS Op-Amps, quad, GBP 900kHz
- TSL6202 High bandwidth 8 MHz, rail-to-rail, 5 V cost-effective Op Amp
- TS982 High output current dual operational amplifier
- TSV324A General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-amp
- TSX9292 Large bandwidth (16MHz), rail-to-rail 16V CMOS Op-Amps, dual
- TSU112IY Nanopower (900 nA) high accuracy (150 µV) 5V CMOS Auto Op-Amp
- TSX921 Large bandwidth (10MHz), rail-to-rail 16V CMOS Op-Amp, single
- TSV791 High bandwidth (50 MHz) low offset (200 µV) rail-to-rail 5 V op amp.
- TSZ181H Automotive-grade, very high accuracy (25 uV), high bandwidth (3 MHz), high temperature (150 °C), zero-drift operational amplifiers
- TS512A Low noise & distortion (8nV/sqrtHz & 0.03%)
- TSH82 Rail-to-rail video op-amp
- TSV524 High merit factor (1.15 MHz for 45 uA) CMOS op-amps
- TS924A Excellent audio performance / low distortion (0.005%)
- TSV522 High merit factor (1.15 MHz for 45 uA) CMOS op-amps
- TSB612 Low power, rail-to-rail output, 36V operational amplifier
- TSV794 High bandwidth (50 MHz) low offset (200 µV) rail-to-rail 5 V op amp.
- TSH80 Rail-to-rail video op-amp with standby
- TSX7192 Precision (200uV), rail-to-rail 16 V cmos Op-Amps, dual, GBP 9MHz
- TS512 Low noise & distortion (8nV/sqrtHz & 0.03%)
- TS321 Single LM324, LM358 enhanced version in sot23-5 package
- TS1871A 1.8V Input/Output Rail-to-Rail Low Power Operational Amplifiers
- TSZ121 Very high accuracy (5 uV) zero drift 5 V CMOS Op-Amp, single, GBP=400kHz
- LM2904AW Low power dual operational amplifier
- TSX712 Precision (200uV), rail-to-rail 16V CMOS Op-Amps, dual, GBP 2.7MHz
- TSX711 Precision (200uV), rail-to-rail 16V CMOS Op-Amp, single, GBP 2.7MHz
- TSB582 サーマル・シャットダウンと出力電流制限機能付きの200mA出力電流、3.1MHz、36V、BiCMOSデュアル・オペアンプ
- TSX7191 Precision (200uV), rail-to-rail, 16 V CMOS Op-Amp, single, GBP 9MHz
- TSX632 Micropower (60uA), rail-to-rail 16V CMOS Op-Amps, dual, GBP 200kHz
- TSX634A Micropower (60uA), rail-to-rail 16V CMOS Op-Amps, quad, GBP 200kHz, low offset voltage version
- TSX632A Micropower (60uA), rail-to-rail 16V CMOS Op-Amps, dual, GBP 200kHz, low offset voltage version
- TSV914 Wide-bandwidth (8 MHz) rail-to-rail input/output 5 V CMOS quad operational amplifier
- TSX634 Micropower (60uA), rail-to-rail 16V CMOS Op-Amps, quad, GBP 200kHz
- TS9222 Precision rail-to-rail high output current op-amps
- TS9224 Precision rail-to-rail high output current op-amps
- TSB622 低消費電力、1.7MHz、レール・ツー・レール出力、 36Vオペアンプ
- TS914A Low power with CMOS inputs
- TSV634 Rail-to-rail input/output 5V CMOS Op-Amps, micro-power (60uA), GBP=880kHz, quad
- TS507 High precision single supply rail to rail op amp
- TS934A Micropower amplifier with CMOS inputs
- TS912B Low power with CMOS inputs
- TSV782 広帯域(30MHz)、低オフセット(200µV)、レール・ツー・レールの5Vオペアンプ
- TS1874 1.8V min. voltage supply, micropower
- TSV792 広帯域(50MHz)、低オフセット(200µV)、レール・ツー・レールの5Vオペアンプ
- LM2904A Low power, bipolar op-amp
- TSV632 Rail-to-rail input/output 5V CMOS Op-Amps, micro-power (60uA), GBP=880kHz, dual
- TS1872 1.8V min. voltage supply, micropower
- TS1871 1.8V Input/Output Rail-to-Rail Low Power Operational Amplifiers
- TSX711A Precision, rail-to-rail 16V CMOS op-amps
- LMV321 Low power rail-to-rail input/output op-amp
- TS1872A 1.8V min. voltage supply, micropower
- LMV358 Low power rail-to-rail input/output op-amp
- TS1874A 1.8V min. voltage supply, micropower
- TSZ124 Very high accuracy (5 uV) zero drift 5 V CMOS Op-Amps, quad, GBP=400kHz
- LMV324 Low power rail-to-rail input/output op amp
- LM258W Low power dual operational amplifiers
- TSV912 Wide-bandwidth (8 MHz) rail-to-rail input/output 5 V CMOS dual operational amplifier
- TSZ122 Very high accuracy (5 uV) zero drift 5 V CMOS Op-Amps, dual, GBP=400kHz
- TSV911 Wide-bandwidth (8 MHz) rail-to-rail input/output 5 V CMOS single operational amplifier
- TSV911A Wide-bandwidth (8 MHz) rail to rail input/output 5 V CMOS small offset, single operational amplifier
- TSL6401 High-bandwidth, 50MHz, rail-to-rail, 5V cost-effective Opamp
- TSB512 Rail-to-rail inputs and outputs, 36 V, 6 MHz op-amps
- TSB624 Low power, 1.7 MHz, rail-to-rail output, 36 V operational amplifier
- LMV824A Low power (440uA), general purpose Bipolar 5V Op-Amps, GBP=5.5MHz, small offset, quad
- LM2904B Automotive-grade, low power, dual, 36 V operational amplifiers
- LM2902B Automotive-grade, low power, quad, 36 V operational amplifier
- TSV852 Low-power (180uA), general-purpose 5V Bipolar Op Amps, GBP=1.3MHz, dual
- LM2904WH Dual general purpose operational amplifier
- TSV771 High bandwidth (20 MHz) low offset (200 µV) rail-to-rail 5 V op amp
- LM2904W Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier
- TSX631 Micropower (60uA), rail-to-rail 16V CMOS Op-Amp, single, GBP 200kHz
- TSV852A Low-power (180uA), general-purpose 5V Bipolar Op Amps, GBP=1.3MHz, small offset, dual
- TSB621 Low power, 1.7 MHz, rail-to-rail output, 36 V operational amplifier
- TSX631A Micropower (60uA), rail-to-rail 16V CMOS Op-Amp, single, GBP 200kHz, low offset voltage version
- LMV822A Low power (440uA), general purpose Bipolar 5V Op-Amps, GBP=5.5MHz, small offset, dual
- TSZ182H Automotive-grade, very high accuracy (25 uV), high bandwidth (3 MHz), high temperature (150 °C), zero-drift operational amplifiers
- LMV821A Low power (400uA), general purpose Bipolar 5V Op-Amp, GBP=5.5MHz, small offset, single
- TSV912A Wide-bandwidth (8 MHz) rail-to-rail input/output 5 V CMOS small offset dual operational amplifier
- TS512B Low noise & distortion (8nV/sqrtHz & 0.03%)
- LMV821 Low power (440uA), general purpose BiPolar 5V Op-Amp, GBP=5.5MHz, single
- TSB711A Precision, 6 MHz, RR IO, 36 V BiCMOS operational amplifier
- TSB711 Precision, 6 MHz, RR IO, 36 V BiCMOS operational amplifier
- TSV912H Wide-bandwidth (8 MHz), high temperature range (150 °C) rail-to-rail input/output 5 V CMOS dual operational amplifier
- TSV914A Wide-bandwidth (8 MHz) rail-to-rail input/output 5 V CMOS quad operational amplifier
- TSX922 Large bandwidth (10MHz), rail-to-rail 16V CMOS Op-Amps, dual
- TSV774 広帯域(20MHz)、低オフセット(200µV)レール・ツー・レールの5Vオペアンプ
- TSZ152 Very high accuracy (7 µV) high bandwidth (1.6 MHz) zero drift 5 V op amp
- TSL6901 Very high accuracy (12 µV) zero drift micropower 5 V cost-effective operational amplifiers
- MC33079 Low-noise op-amps
- TL082 JFET inputs, low input bias current
- MC33078 Low-noise op-amps
- LMV824 Low power (440uA), general purpose Bipolar 5V Op-Amps, GBP=5.5MHz, quad
- LMV822 Low power (440uA), general purpose Bipolar 5V Op-Amps, GBP=5.5MHz, dual
- TSB952 広帯域(52MHz)、レール・ツー・レール出力、36Vオペアンプ
- TL072B JFET inputs, low input bias current
- TSV992A Wide bandwidth (20MHz) rail to rail input/output 5V CMOS Op-Amps, small offset, dual
- TSB511 Rail-to-rail inputs and outputs, 36 V, 6 MHz op amps
- TSX561 Micropower (235uA), 16V CMOS Op-Amp, single, GBP 900kHz
- TSV851A Low-power (180uA), general-purpose 5V Bipolar Op-Amp, GBP=1.3MHz, small offset, single
- TSV991A Wide bandwidth (20MHz) rail to rail input/output 5V CMOS Op-Amp, small offset, single
- TSV851 Low-power (180uA), general-purpose 5V Bipolar Op-Amp, GBP=1.3MHz, single
- TL074 JFET inputs, low input bias current
- TS974 Output rail-to-rail very low-noise op-amps
- TS972 Output rail-to-rail very low-noise op-amps
- TS971 Output rail-to-rail very low-noise op-amps
- LM2904 Low power, bipolar op-amp
- TS954 Real input & output rail to rail / low distortion (0.01%)
- TS952 Real input & output rail to rail / low distortion (0.01%)
- LM2902 Low power, bipolar op-amp
- TS951 Real input & output rail to rail / low distortion (0.01%)
- LM258 Low-power dual op-amps with low input bias current
- TS934 Micropower amplifier with CMOS inputs
- TSX562A Micropower (235uA), 16V CMOS Op-Amps, dual, GBP 900kHz, low offset voltage version
- TSX562 Micropower (235uA), 16V CMOS Op-Amps, dual, GBP 900kHz
- TSV994 Wide bandwidth (20MHz) rail to rail input/output 5V CMOS Op-Amps, quad
- TL084BI JFET inputs, low input bias current
- TSX561A Micropower (235uA), 16V CMOS Op-Amp, single, GBP 900kHz, low offset voltage version
- TL084I JFET inputs, low input bias current
- TSV992 Wide bandwidth (20MHz) rail to rail input/output 5V CMOS Op-Amps, dual
- TSB514 Rail-to-rail inputs and outputs, 36 V, 6 MHz op-amps
- TSV358 General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-amp
- TSZ182H1 車載グレード、高精度(35µV)、高ゲイン・バンド幅(3MHz)、高温(175℃)、ゼロドリフト・オペアンプ
- TSV321 General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-amp
- TSX7191A Low-power, precision, rail-to-rail, 9.0 MHz, 16 V operational amplifiers
- LM2904AH Low power, bipolar op-amp
- TSV321A General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-amp
- TSV358A General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-amp
- TS924 Rail-to-rail high output current op-amps
- TS922 Rail-to-rail, high output current, dual operational amplifier
- TS914 Low power with CMOS inputs
- TS912 Low power with CMOS inputs
- TSV854 Low-power (180uA), general-purpose 5V Bipolar Op-Amps, GBP=1.3MHz, quad
- TSV7722 広帯域(22MHz)、低オフセット電圧(Typ. 50µV)、5Vオペアンプ
- TSV524A High merit factor (1.15 MHz for 45 uA) CMOS op-amps
- TSV854A Low-power (180uA), general-purpose 5V Bipolar Op Amps, GBP=1.3MHz, small offset, quad
- TSV324 General purpose low voltage rail to rail input/output op-amp
- TSV522A High merit factor (1.15 MHz for 45 uA) CMOS op-amps